Apply for Financial Aid

West Side Soccer League believes that everyone deserves a chance to play and enjoy soccer. Since its inception, WSSL has kept its registration fees as low as possible and provided financial aid so that as many people as possible can play soccer in this great community organization. WSSL has also built its programming year-by-year to meet the needs of the local community.

Core Program Scholarships 

Each year, more than 600 children play soccer for reduced fees. This enables them to join a Core WSSL team and participate in weekly practices and games with their team. All registered players can also participate in free weekly skills training sessions with professional coaches. Funding for these programs is made possible by sponsorships from local businesses and from donations from families and the community.

To apply for a Core scholarship, check the Core Scholarship program option when you register your child to play and pay the Core Scholarship Fee.

Scholarship Fee - $30 per season (Regular Fee - $200)

Development Academy Scholarships

Players who are enrolled in the Development Academy may apply for a needs-based scholarship in addition to the Core scholarship. We want players to be able to play and develop in this program regardless of financial ability.

To apply for a Development Academy scholarship, click on the Application Form below and submit the completed application together with supporting documentation (as outlined in the application) online. For questions email our Scholarship Program Director.

Scholarship Fee - $60 per season (in addition to the $30 Core fee) and an additional copay that varies according to need (Regular Fee - $300 plus $200 for Core).

Development Academy Scholarship Application Deadline:  

Fall - September 1
Winter - January 1
Spring - April 1

Travel and Tournament Team Scholarships

Once a player has been selected through our tryout process to join a Travel or Tournament team, they may apply for a needs-based scholarship. We want all selected players to be able to play and develop at this level regardless of financial ability.

To apply for a Travel or Tournament Team scholarship, click on the Application Form below and submit the completed application together with supporting documentation (as outlined in the application). For questions, please email our Scholarship Program Director.

Travel and Tournament Fee deposit of $135 for the year, plus in each case an additional copay that varies according to need.

Travel and Tournament Scholarship Application Deadline: As soon as possible after offer to join team is accepted, and in any event no later than June 30 of each year.

Summer Camp Scholarships

The Red Bulls sometimes run holiday camps during school breaks, specifically for WSSL players. WSSL has a limited number of need-based scholarships available for these camps.  


To apply for a camp scholarship, click on the Application Form below and submit the completed application together with supporting documentation (as outlined in the application). For more information on camp scholarships please contact our Scholarship Program Director.

Fees: Varies according to need (Regular Fee - $220 - $270 per session)
Camp Scholarship Application Deadline: As soon as possible after camp schedule is posted.

Application (please complete and submit online)

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